Customization and Christmass

Can you believe it? Christmass! I'm so happy about this information.

So after quite a while the customization system is done, with outfits, colors and hair. After you complete the run, you get metacurrency which will allow you to buy cosmetics. There is a free holiday outfit untill 5th january, and a special patreon exclusive outfit, alongside with some experimental face settings.

Last month was tough and i will have to slow down the work. Also i must apologize for not meeting the initial roadmap, and i won't be able to provide a specific updated version of it, but worry not, there's a lot of things planned ahead, and the work will continue.

Merry christmass everyone, stay safe.

Get The Haunted Acre


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Pls do in Android Please


will there be an android version?

Merry Christmas to you, author, and good luck in the new year ;)

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How do I unlock the exclusive outfit? Clicking on the Patreon button next to the selection in the Customization menu does nothing; I assumed it would confirm backer status via redirect and sign-in. Or is there a separate build being uploaded over there? Also, I'm not sure where these face settings are supposed to be? Because I don't see anything other than Gender, Outfit, Hair, and the color sliders in Customization, and nothing new in Options.

you need to buy a patreon subscription then u have it


I'm aware - I wouldn't be asking about the Patreon exclusive stuff if I wasn't subscribed lol. But despite being subscribed I still can't access the outfit, nor can I find the new face settings mentioned in this update's notes.

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Cosmo Posts the patreon builds to the Discord. With the correct patreon sub you get access to a Discord Role that gives you a new channel that all the patreon updates are stored in.

Ahh understood, didn't even realize there was a Discord server, let alone that the new Patreon stuff would be in it and not on the site lol. Thanks!